Worried about the elections? Tap some of that angst away. Tip #145.
Worried about the elections? Tap some of that angst away. Tip #145. Vote, AskANeighborToVote, Peace,
“Resiliency is a type of growth”. Tip #144.
“Success is not only the peaks you reach—it’s the valleys you conquer.” ~Adam Grant
Thank you, body. Tip #143. Chronic stress is the cause of many physical and emotional problems.
EFT Tapping has been shown to reduce stress, and help you feel better.
“I learned that through the process of EFT, I can shift my state of mind from the racing worries to a calm, relaxed state of mind.”
“I was able to provide a reference for you and it was an honor. I think you’re amazing and provided a glowing review. I hope to learn from you again in the future.”
“Suzanne, thank you for the fantastic training today! Everyone had very positive feedback from the class. I really liked the way you pushed us to go beyond the simple reflections and tie our reflections to a more value-based response. I am excited to work with our group and reinforce what you have taught us.”