Need to have that difficult conversation? Tip #149
Tap along to feel more confident.
Tap along to feel more confident.
Is it difficult to maintain motivation to do something that feels insurmountable in your life?
See if a little tap along can help release some of those stressful feelings. politics, overwhelm, peace,
A recent study shows that small kindnesses have more of an effect on people than we expect.
Worried about the elections? Tap some of that angst away. Tip #145. Vote, AskANeighborToVote, Peace,
“Success is not only the peaks you reach—it’s the valleys you conquer.” ~Adam Grant
EFT Tapping has been shown to reduce stress, and help you feel better.
It is possible to change an aspect of yourself that you want to change.
Let’s tap together to reduce overly intense feelings.
Tap along with this video to allow some good feelings in.