EFT Tapping for the time change. Tip #108.
Unhappy about the time changing and losing an hour of the day? Tap-along with this video to release some of those unhappy or annoyed feelings. [...]
Unhappy about the time changing and losing an hour of the day? Tap-along with this video to release some of those unhappy or annoyed feelings. [...]
Maybe looking back on your work feels embarrassing. SignofGrowth, ImprovedYourSkills, RaisedYourStandards,
I’ve taken an unofficial poll; do you feel upset when you want to do something, but the energy is suddenly no longer there? Try this [...]
Tap along to reduce stress. MentalHealth, HealthProviders, StressReduction,
Whatever you are feeling is fine. If you feel ready to release some, a lot or all of the emotional distress about one specific thing [...]
Many people who have gotten one or are planning to get their vaccinations, still have some concerns. Tapping can help reduce those feelings that inhibit [...]
Many people feel depleted from how long they have been missing connection, fun and joy. Tap along to reduce some depletion and feel hopeful for [...]
When comparing yourself to others, it’s sometimes a little disheartening. Tap along to release that self-criticism to feel a greater sense of self-acceptance. Pinnacle, Accepting, [...]
There is a lot of intensity and concern with what we are all dealing with. Tap along to reduce some of that intensity that you [...]
It is not only possible, but actually healing and helpful, after clearing challenging beliefs and feelings, to tap on the positive exclusively. Energy, EnergyPsychology, Happiness,